Innovative Ads on Times Of India, Hyderabad, English
Used For
Ad Type
Lead Time (in days)
It is the most creative way to represent a brand idea or advertisement across its target audience. This ad compiled a story that is uniquely presented to create a long-lasting impression on the readers. Prices for these types of ads may vary depending on the size and innovation put together inside the ad, to get the estimated cost, clients are requested to send the innovative creative to us at [email protected]. For more ideas or sample ads, you can slide into the execution detail section, and find the relevant information under the other related details section.
On Request
Min Billing
₹ 500
Min Billing
₹ 500
Execution Details
Proof Of Execution
# Soft copies will be provided within 24hrs after the campaign goes live. # If hard copy images are required, the same will be provided within 2 working days. # No hard copy images will be provided for the Regional Newspaper.
First Proof Of Execution(In Days)
Proof Of Execution Frequency
Every day the execution takes place
End of the campaign execution proof (In Days)
Not applicable since we are sharing the newspaper copy within the same day of execution